They’re Coming for your Brains and your Jobs

They’re Coming for your Brains and your Jobs

A board game where you try to survive and stay employed in a workplace that is slowly succumbing to a zombie plague. The concept was inspired by a punch-line from a Colbert Report joke, and the idea that zombies could be used as cheap labor. I designed, play tested, and prototyped the game myself while serving as the producer for the Doppelganger project. Its subject matter included issues of sexual harassment, inequality, and dysfunctional management that are chilling to revisit, given that I designed it well before the me-too movement and Covid-19 pandemic. The game board is a workplace divided into regions, and players take turns relocating employees and zombies in order to put their competition in harm’s way. It features random event cards, equipment cards, playable employee cards with unique special abilities. It also features boss cards with flaws that alter the effects of events and policies. Inspired by Zombies!!!, Shaun of the Dead, Far Side Comics, and secondhand accounts of common workplace issues from friends and family.
