Our Great Historian

Our Great Historian

A contract project where I designed a card game using pieces of the Bayeux Tapestry. I designed the game itself, as well as the digital files of the cards, card backs, and formatted versions of the cards for prototyping via Gamecrafter. When placed end-to-end, the front of the cards seamlessly display the entire Bayeux Tapestry along with its original text and translation, and the backs of the cards are uniform for shuffling. Our Great Historian is played in a similar way to games like Apples to Apples or Awkward Moment, where players are submitting and judging groups of cards, and competing to have their cards selected. The twist is that each player is role-playing as a historian, submitting largely random sequences of the tapestry and trying to pass them off as being in the correct order. The end result is a single unbroken string of cards that is totally incorrect for laughs. Out of the box this game would be great in a classroom or educational context, and the game’s rules could be adapted to any deck of cards depicting a series of events (historical or fictional). I worked remotely with the client throughout the process, communicating frequently via Email, and submitting samples for approval and edits.

Our Great Historian Rulebook