Fractured Domain

Fractured Domain

Designed and submitted to My First Game Jam: Winter 2021, the project had a much larger initial scope, and was cut due to time constraints. It was intended to emphasize the limits of mortality and importance of rest through its mechanics, where injuries, exhaustion, and stress would penalize the characters until they took sufficient time in town for treatment and recovery. Ironically I ended up pushing myself to the limit between this game jam and my full time job, and learned the game’s lesson the hard way. I served as producer and lead designer, and I also programmed the combat and dialogue systems. My initial design was too ambitious given the time constraint of the jam and the available work hours of the team, and it was a team decision to cut the scope in order to meet the deadline. The end product was a rough version of the planned starting area that would have served as the full game’s tutorial. Most of the sprites and environments are from the Time Fantasy collection by finalbossblues on Inspired by Xenogears, Octopath Traveler, and Darkest Dungeon.
Click here to visit the page and download the latest build.